The RHETI Sampler – Free Personality Test

The Enneagram Institute is dedicated to the Work of human liberation and transformation. For thousands of years, spiritual teachers from many different traditions have reminded us of the richness of the human soul and its spiritual gifts. But without real self-knowledge, it is not possible to awaken to the deeper truths of the soul or to sustain whatever degree of realization we have attained.

One of the most powerful tools for understanding ourselves is the Enneagram, an ancient symbol of unity and diversity, change and transformation.

Take the test

The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) Sampler is a free Enneagram test that serves as an introduction to the complete Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI Version 2.5) which you can take online for $10 US.

The 36 questions in the following free Enneagram test usually take about 10 minutes to complete. The scoring is calculated automatically and you will be presented with information to enable you to interpret the results, and links to follow up in greater depth.

Start the RHETI Sampler Here

The Enneagram Institute is the home site of Don Richard Riso & Russ Hudson, two of the leading teachers and developers of the Enneagram system in the world today.

The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types” by Don Riso & Russ Hudson

The Wisdom of the Enneagram

It is the first definitive guide to using the wisdom of the enneagram for spiritual and psychological growth. The ancient symbol of the Enneagram has become one of today’s most popular systems for self-understanding, based on nine distinct personality types. Now, two of the world’s foremost Enneagram authorities introduce a powerful new way to use the Enneagram as a tool for personal transformation and development. Whatever your spiritual background, the Enneagram shows how you can overcome your inner barriers, realize your unique gifts and strengths, and discover your deepest direction in life.


Read Chapter 11 of Understanding the Enneagram by Riso & Hudson – Personality, Essence, & Spirituality